Dixie Andres
Student - Black Belt

What led to this moment? Each belt was getting more and more difficult. I was really having my doubts. It started with Purple "But I really like purple, I can stay right here." Mr. Saxton replied, "No, I think you need a stripe on that purple and you are ready to test." So it went on and on each test, "I'm not sure I like Red, I like the brown." "Oh No," replied Mr. Saxton. "You are ready. You will like the Red." On & On. . .up to "But I'm very happy with my Shodan Ho." Mr. Saxton would shake his head and sigh, "Oh Mrs. Andres, YoU aRe ReAdY! We need to take that white stripe off that black belt." Then on this day, "Congratulations Mrs. Andres, I told you so. Now how about that 2nd Red Stripe." Might have to work on that 2nd Dan. . .just because.


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