Blissfield Martial Arts

Come Check Us Out!

"Self-Discovery and Self-Improvement through Self-Defense"

Having helped students ranging in age from 4-80 years old, Blissfield Martial Arts has served the community for over 15 years.  Knowing each student learns at their own pace in their own unique way, our program allows students to progress through the ranks at their own pace. Filled with exciting activities and exercises, our classes run year-round and help to teach many things beyond the martial arts techniques themselves, such as discipline, respect, and confidence. Blissfield Martial Arts strives to empower students to reach their potential. Being family focused, we offer multiple package discounts to make our classes affordable for the entire family.
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Dixie Andres
Student - Black Belt

What led to this moment? Each belt was getting more and more difficult. I was really having my doubts. It started with Purple "But I really like purple, I can stay right here." Mr. Saxton replied, "No, I think you need a stripe on that purple and you are ready to test." So it went on and on each test, "I'm not sure I like Red, I like the brown." "Oh No," replied Mr. Saxton. "You are ready. You will like the Red." On & On. . .up to "But I'm very happy with my Shodan Ho." Mr. Saxton would shake his head and sigh, "Oh Mrs. Andres, YoU aRe ReAdY! We need to take that white stripe off that black belt." Then on this day, "Congratulations Mrs. Andres, I told you so. Now how about that 2nd Red Stripe." Might have to work on that 2nd Dan. . .just because.


Do you have a testimony you would like to share with others? Email your short testimony to us for a chance for it to be featured here! Don't forget to include a picture you would like to be attached to your testimony. Email:

Karate Class

Students will learn traditional Shotokan Karate under the tutelage of dedicated instructors.

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Lil Dragon Summer Program

These classes are designed for children age 4 - 6. This class will teach your little one safety and life skills, along with the traditional Martial Arts techniques.

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Iaido Classes

Interested in learning how to properly use a traditional Japanese sword? These Iaido Classes teach students how to use a Japanese Samurai sword and the history behind the art.

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Have Questions?

We welcome them all.

The easy answer is to simply come. You don't need to do any pre-arrive steps.
While we do billing off a monthly timetable, we do not have pre-set sections or deadlines to enroll. Sign-ups can happen at any time and we will slide you into class. Simply show up ~10mins before your allotted class time starts and speak with an instructor. We will make sure you have everything you need and your student can join class that day.

Uniforms are not required until 30 Days after your sign-up date. Until your uniform arrives, you can simply wear flexible clothing and a loose fitting top. Clothing like leggings, yoga pants, gym shorts, tank tops, and t-shirts are commonly chosen. Your shoe choice does not matter as you should plan on being barefoot while on the  training mats. 

Karate is a great mental and physical excersise. No matter your age you will gain more flexibility, endurance, strength,  balance, self-confidence and more. Health concerns are taken into consideration. There is no pressure to go beyond your physical abilities. 
  1. White
  2. Yellow
  3. Orange
  4. Blue
  5. Green
  6. Purple
  7. Brown
  8. Red
  9. Shodan-Ho (Black w/ White Stripe)
  10. 1st Dan Black Belt
  11. 1st Dan Intermediate Black Belt
  12. 2nd Dan Black Belt
  13. 2nd Dan Intermediate Black Belt
  14. 3rd Dan Black Belt
  15. 4th Dan Black Belt
  16. 5th Dan Black Belt
....... And so forth  
Each student progresses at their own pace. When students take a break for the summer or would like to take more time to study the material it adds time to their progression. We hold a test every three months, but there is no pressure to test at every one. If a students faithfully comes to every class(twice a week) and tests on schedule, they can earn their black belt in roughly 3 years. 
Our Karate program runs all year long, in order to facilitate such options. Many students will take the summer off or a certain school semester break in order to participate in another sport. Since karate is not a team sport and relies solely on the individual's progress you do not need to worry about your absence hindering another student. Once you finish your other sport you may pick back up where you left off in your karate career.  
No, in fact there are many studies done that show the opposite tends to occur. We teach discipline and how to control one's anger and outrage in a constructive manner. In fact, we insist that students do not use their learned skills anywhere other than the karate school or under extreme emergencies, unless they are practicing alone at home.  Often times when you see kids using "karate" kicks and punches on the playground it is because they are imitating something they saw someone do in a movie or show. 
No, we ask that once you make your decision of whether to attend class #1 or class #2, that you remain consistent.  This is to maintain class sizes. However, if you need to change your chosen class time, please speak with an instructor
Currently we can accept, Cash, Check in person and Paypal through this website. 
YES! Simply arrive 5-10mins before the start of a class time and an instructor will give you a short run-down of what you can expect. Then you are more then welcome to simply watch a class and see what goes on. You don't have to stay until the end, simply leave when you feel like you have gotten a good idea of how a class is run. 

We have a Public Facebook page "Blissfield Karate" where we post all class cancellations. If you are unsure if class is being held on a particular night, make certain you check there first to prevent miscommunications.

Our school policy is that if Blissfield Schools are closed for WEATHER RELATED reasons we will also be closed.

This does NOT apply to school cancellations associated with holidays such as President's Day and MLK Day. We will still hold classes on those days unless announced otherwise.
  • 202 South Lane Street, Blissfield, MI, USA
  • Feel Free to Call or Email at anytime

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Unfortunately, we only have the ability to process cash, and check payments in person. If you would prefer, we do offer PayPal as a way to pay online.

However, all of our prices have the cash discount factored in. Therefore, there is a convenience fee added to your transaction when using PayPal and it will be present on your invoice from Blissfield Martial Arts. The fee will be a certain percentage of your total payment. 

Please include your or your student's name, and a short description of what you are paying for on your payment. Please assure that the name on your invoice matches the name you submit on your Paypal payment. This assures that your payment is applied to the proper account.

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